
Friday, August 31, 2012

Finally Friday

Lately it has seemed like the weeks have been super long.  I am excited to have an extra long weekend with my 2 boys.  Of course we don't have much planned, but aren't those the best.  Tomorrow we are going to a local fall candy store.  I have some special BIG kids that I need to buy some things for.  Sunday Henry is going to get to make his 2nd trip to Cabela's.  I know he is super excited about this.  Andrew has to mow this weekend(hopefully the last time) so we will be stuck inside watching TV.  The bugs are too bad for Hen to be outside. 

Our little one turned 8 months old this week.  Post coming soon!  He wants to crawl so bad and gets so frustrated.  Andrew is ready for him to crawl but I am NOT.  He still only has 2 teeth but is trying more and more people food.  Soon he will be done with babyfood.  We still think he is the cutest funniest baby in the world. 

Our friends the O'Rears are patiently waiting for the arrival of their little guy.  Come on Grady, we can't wait for you arrival!!!!!  Kallahan, Henry and you are going to be best of friends.  Hopefully not as big of trouble makers as your dads.  Good Luck Lydia, hope your delivery is fast and smooth. 

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