
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

* What is up with this new layout?  You guys probably can't see it but Blogger sure has changed things up, not sure I like them.

* I get so happy to do these weekly posts because I know the weekend is right around the corner and I get to spend two whole days with my boys!

* We had an AMAZING weekend last weekend and I am hoping for another this weekend.  We don't really have anything planned.  Maybe an auction, estate sale or the Farmer's Market.

* I have always LOVED tennis shoes, although I go through phases where I wear them and then I don't.  Well ever since I was pregnant I have been in a wear them stage.  I bought a new pair while I was pregnant but already think that I need a new pair.  I am looking!!!!

* A certain little guy in our house has not been sleeping very well.  Probably has to do to his drainage due to this crazy weather we have.  I never knew I could function on such little sleep!

* While I was on bedrest I watched many TV shows.  One that I truly enjoyed was Ellen.  Well I have continued to make this a daily thing (at least I try to).  Well there are 2 little girls on there- Sophia Grace and Rosie.  They are the cutest little girls (next to Crimson Reigh)!!!!! Check them out if you haven't seen them.

* The draft is this weekend and it's like Christmas for Andrew.  Wow what a weirdo!!!!!!!

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