* I have really been bad about posting. Nothing really to post about and I like spending my time doing other things.
* I have gotten off work early a lot this week and have loved it!!!!! More time with my baby.
* Hen officially has a tooth coming in. It is about time. It feels like we have been teething for months.
* Henry can also now sit up by himself. How is this possible? How is he old enough?
* I will have a 7 month old baby boy next week.
* My aunt and possibly my uncle are coming to visit next weekend. Can't wait!!!!
* It is really close to time for the Bakers' to come visit. So EXCITED!!!!!!
* I have to start planning something for a special someone's 30th birthday in a few weeks. Not sure what to do since he won't let me get a sitter for Hen.
* I am ready for the Olympics to start, I am sick of the crap on TV.
* I LOVE Big Brother and can't get enough of it!!!! I love that it is on 3 times a week.
* I am beyond blessed with the wonderful things in my life but have so many things that I would love to change. I hope in the near future we are able to make them happen.