I use to do these posts before I had Henry so I am trying to get back in the groove of things.
* I cannot believe I am about to have a 2 month old. How can he be that old?
* Work has been crazy, and dad is not liking mom working as much as she is. I am hoping to get my schedule set in the next week or two and work less.
* The weather has continued to be real good here. I haven't really minded winter this year.
* Henry gets his shots next week. Not sure who will cry more, me or him!!!!
* Daddy is going out of town in 2 weeks for a few days. I know we will miss him so much!!!!
* We have our tickets booked for Texas in April so it is official!!!!
* I cannot wait for Henry to meet his cousins and to watch his cousins play baseball. Something I have truly missed!
* Henry went to Church the first time over the weekend and was wonderful(he might have slept through it)
This was suppose to be posted yesterday but for some reason my phone/blogger did not allow me!!

Friday, February 24, 2012
Random Acts of Kindness
Friday was National Random Acts of Kindness day. I heard about this on the way to work but didn't really think anything of it. Bad of me I know. Well later in the day I went to Michael's to get some supplies for a project for Henry. I was shopping minding my own business when a lady asked if I was finding everything alright. I responded I was doing well and she proceeded to tell me about this day and that she had chosen me to be kind to. She gave me a card with a gift card in it for Michael's. She then said it could have $5-$25 dollars in it she did not know. I thanked her and told her that I would pay it forward. Later I went to Carter's to return some things for Henry. I did my shopping and then left $5 for the next customer!!!!!!!!!!! It was nothing big but it sure did make me feel good. I would have loved to have seen how the next customer responded but I told myself that that was part of the deal. Wow who knew something so small could make such a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's and Push Present

This weekend Andrew surprised me with a Kindle Fire. I was very surprised with this as we don't celebrate holidays with gifts. I had already received a very nice camera/video camera for Christmas so I figured that was it for a while. The Kindle is great and he has Loved playing Angry Birds on it. He may even play with it more than me, or just have more time too. Henry has even enjoyed listening to nursery rhymes and stories on it. We all love it!!!! Thanks Babe!!!!!
We also had a steak dinner on Saturday for Valentine's with homemade cheesecake. Tonight we had pizza and going to finish off Valentine's week with brunch on Sunday. It's been a good holiday and we have Loved having Henry here to celebrate with us!
Love Story
*****Again this is a post more for me than you readers. But since you are my readers you will be bored with my post.
The first time I ever met Andrew was the 21st birthday of my best friend, Nicole. This was a cold winter night, January 18th to be exact(also the same day our son was due to be born many years later). I didn't pay him much attention as I also celebrated like it was my birthday and don't remember many events from the night. As time went on Andrew and his roomate and friends continued to hang out with us girls. We made it a weekly event to all go out together many Thursday nights. Andrew and I chatted and talked but nothing special at the time. The Friday before spring break us girls had a party and again Andrew and his friends came and he put my number in his phone. Still nothing special at this time between us. On Thursday, April 2 we all go out again and maybe I acted like an idiot and kissed another guy in front of him. Well to my surprise the next morning on Instant Messenger Andrew announced his true feelings to me, much to my surprise. I guess it was mutual because that night I invited him over and cooked him dinner. Maybe the delicious hamburger is what secured my place, but he still does love my burgers. So from there it all began. It wasn't always smooth sailing but it was worth it!!!! He worked out of town that summer so we would talk nightly on the phone and hang out on the weekends when he was in town. About a year into we began not really seeing eye to eye, so the drama began. At this point dates start getting blury!!!!! We continued to break up and get back together and continue to cycle for a few years. At one point Andrew calls and tells my that during Christmas break he is going to Vegas and hunting and will be gone for 2 weeks. I then announce that if he goes and does not spend at least Christmas or New Years with me that when he returns I will NOT be around. Apparently he did not believe me because he went. Wonder if he would chose differently today????? So he returns from his get-a-way and starts calling me, I in return don't respond and refuse to talk to him. For weeks this went on. Valentine's of that year, he buys me flowers(only the second Holiday he has shared with me at this point). A week later I get sick and he brings me more flowers. I continued to ignore him at this point. Fast forward to March and one morning I was driving to work and decided I was done playing games and text him to see if he was up and he responded he would be if I was willing to talk to him(weird how we remember these things!). So that is when it all began again. I told him to plan a romantic get-a-way for us and if the trip was a success then we could make it work. Well needless to say the trip was a SUCCESS!!!!!!!!! We went to Dallas for the weekend and had a blast. That was in March, in May he graduated with his Master's, June we moved in together in Midland and in November we got engaged.
No, it's not a special, normal story but it's ours and it worked for us. No, I would NOT change a thing at all!!! There is no way we would be where we are today if we wouldn't of had this beginning. I am so glad our story is our story!!!!!
The first time I ever met Andrew was the 21st birthday of my best friend, Nicole. This was a cold winter night, January 18th to be exact(also the same day our son was due to be born many years later). I didn't pay him much attention as I also celebrated like it was my birthday and don't remember many events from the night. As time went on Andrew and his roomate and friends continued to hang out with us girls. We made it a weekly event to all go out together many Thursday nights. Andrew and I chatted and talked but nothing special at the time. The Friday before spring break us girls had a party and again Andrew and his friends came and he put my number in his phone. Still nothing special at this time between us. On Thursday, April 2 we all go out again and maybe I acted like an idiot and kissed another guy in front of him. Well to my surprise the next morning on Instant Messenger Andrew announced his true feelings to me, much to my surprise. I guess it was mutual because that night I invited him over and cooked him dinner. Maybe the delicious hamburger is what secured my place, but he still does love my burgers. So from there it all began. It wasn't always smooth sailing but it was worth it!!!! He worked out of town that summer so we would talk nightly on the phone and hang out on the weekends when he was in town. About a year into we began not really seeing eye to eye, so the drama began. At this point dates start getting blury!!!!! We continued to break up and get back together and continue to cycle for a few years. At one point Andrew calls and tells my that during Christmas break he is going to Vegas and hunting and will be gone for 2 weeks. I then announce that if he goes and does not spend at least Christmas or New Years with me that when he returns I will NOT be around. Apparently he did not believe me because he went. Wonder if he would chose differently today????? So he returns from his get-a-way and starts calling me, I in return don't respond and refuse to talk to him. For weeks this went on. Valentine's of that year, he buys me flowers(only the second Holiday he has shared with me at this point). A week later I get sick and he brings me more flowers. I continued to ignore him at this point. Fast forward to March and one morning I was driving to work and decided I was done playing games and text him to see if he was up and he responded he would be if I was willing to talk to him(weird how we remember these things!). So that is when it all began again. I told him to plan a romantic get-a-way for us and if the trip was a success then we could make it work. Well needless to say the trip was a SUCCESS!!!!!!!!! We went to Dallas for the weekend and had a blast. That was in March, in May he graduated with his Master's, June we moved in together in Midland and in November we got engaged.
No, it's not a special, normal story but it's ours and it worked for us. No, I would NOT change a thing at all!!! There is no way we would be where we are today if we wouldn't of had this beginning. I am so glad our story is our story!!!!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Big Boy Pants
Henry was a alittle baby and had to wear newborn outfits. Well happily I think I can announce that those days are behind us. The newborn outfits are too tight around the belly and to short in the legs. So yesterday we broke out the onesies and pants, and I was so happy. He looked so much older in the seperates than he has been looking. He has gained 2 pounds in the last month so it is no wonder that his clothes are getting snug. Now its time to put some variety in his wardrobe!!!!!!!!!!!
Pictue Perfect
Last night I was doing some girly things and came in to see my boys chillaxin just like this. Daddy was so happy that they were watching TV together that he actually suggested I take a picture.
Here is my two guys bonding!!!!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I cannot believe that our baby boy is 6 weeks old today. Where has the time gone? It has been a blast the last 6 weeks but I know before long he will be walking and not needing us to feed him and rock him to sleep. He is such a good baby (not that I am biased). He starts daycare on Monday, which I know is going to be a hard day. Right now I am cherishing these last few days we have together doing absolutely nothing. It is crazy to see how much he has changed and to think that I might miss out on something, breaks my heart. I know going back to work will be good for us both but just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. I admit I have HUGE seperation issues with him. Hopefully they will pass after a few weeks. I am sure next weekend I will NOT want to do anything but hold him all day. I can't wait to spend his first Valentine's day with him. We better go this weekend and buy him something, he can't be left out.
I leave you with a picture of my 2 LOVES!
Oh how they have stolen my heart!
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