You are now 3 months old. You have gotten so BIG and changed so much. You discovered your hands this week(on the exact day you turned 3 months) and it is so fun to watch you look at them.
It is so hard to take your picture because you are constantly moving your hands and you still refuse to smile. We have gotten a few good ones but they are mainly on our phones.
You are now taking 5 oz. which is hard for me to believe. You are a good eater. We are still working on your sleeping but I really don't have anything to complain about. I enjoy our middle of the night time together.
You and your dad continue to LOVE to talk to each other. You light up when he gets home from work. Don't get me wrong you two still have your moments, but I'm pretty sure you will have them the rest of your life.
We LOVE you so much and can't wait to see what the next month holds. We are preparing for our first airplane ride!!!!