
Saturday, March 31, 2012

3 Months

You are now 3 months old. You have gotten so BIG and changed so much. You discovered your hands this week(on the exact day you turned 3 months) and it is so fun to watch you look at them.

It is so hard to take your picture because you are constantly moving your hands and you still refuse to smile.  We have gotten a few good ones but they are mainly on our phones.

You are now taking 5 oz. which is hard for me to believe.  You are a good eater.  We are still working on your sleeping but I really don't have anything to complain about.  I enjoy our middle of the night time together.

You and your dad continue to LOVE to talk to each other.  You light up when he gets home from work.  Don't get me wrong you two still have your moments, but I'm pretty sure you will have them the rest of your life. 

We LOVE you so much and can't wait to see what the next month holds.  We are preparing for our first airplane ride!!!!


Mommy's Birthday and Mom and Dad's Anniversary

NO this post is not talking about Andrew and I.  It is a post dedicated to my AMAZING parents.  Andrew has an obsession with calling my mom, his mother in law MOMMY.  He loves to call her that and will ask stupid questions just so he can say Mommy.  Every time my phone goes off with a text message he asks if its Mommy.  I do LOVE this about him, I LOVE the fact that he allows me to have the relationship I do with her. 

On to the post.........................

This week my mom turned another year older and celebrated another wonderful year married to my dad!!!!!  I am so proud to call them my parents.  I wish I could have been there to celebrate with them this week. 

I could not have survived the last few months without my mom.  She was here the week I was put on bedrest and stayed extra time to care for us and then she was here the day that I welcomed my baby boy into the world.  My mom is my Best Friend and I am so thankful for that.  I LOVE the relationship that she has with Andrew and can't wait to see what her and Henry's will be like.  She is absolutely the BEST grandma and that makes me so happy.  I pray for the day that we are just a few hours away or miles from each other.  Soon, very soon I hope!!!!!  MOM, I love you!!!!!  And so does Andrew and Henry!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday Thoughts and Pics.

* The weather here the last few days has been pretty blah, hopefully this weekend will be better.

* Andrew has put Henry to bed 2 nights this week and it sure has helped me.  Who knew something so small would help?

* Henry has become pretty obsessed with his dad and I'm not sure how I feel about that!!!!!  (Totally kidding, I LOVE watching them together)

* We bought Henry an exersaucer today and I can't wait to see him play in it- say a prayer that he likes it!!!!

* Henry is such a stinker, he will laugh and giggle with us all day and then as soon as we get the camera/video camera out he REFUSES to smile.  I am thinking he gets this attitude from his dad. 

* Speaking of getting things from his dad- he is totally Andrew's child.  He constantly has cold hands, is constantly sweating, has his hairline and chin and I am thinking now his personality!!!!

* We don't have any plans for the weekend!!!!  Hopefully it will be nice outside.

* My work schedule is finally settling down. I am actually working part-time hours now.

* I took my first official nap yesterday without Henry.  I left him at daycare and came home and napped.  I felt super guilty but after the nap I felt amazing. 

* Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment and to get my oil changed.  Two things that I HATE doing.  At least I am getting them over with in one day. 

And here are some pics of our chubby little man!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you sense the attitude?

Someone has started cuddling with things besides his parents.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Family Fun

We have had the best weekend as a family. We haven't done much but it has been great.  Friday night we stayed in and had Thai food.  Saturday morning we had waffles and bacon and then headed out to look at a bookcase.  Of course Andrew thought he had to have it, so now my house is a disaster while he is rearranging his books.  The rest of the day was spent playing with Henry and napping.  For dinner we had pork tenderloin, white beans and fried okra.  It was really nice outside but a little too windy to get our little guy out. 

Sunday we woke up and had breakfast.  Then we went to the mall and returned some things and got Henry a few things and maybe I got something!!!!!  We then came home and did some more playing and rearranging.  We then had chicken wraps and then went on a walk.  Henry loves the walks and usually naps.  Later he had his first bottle out on the deck!!!!! 

Henry is such a good little boy and usually just goes with the flow!!!!  He only lets us know when he is hungry.  This weekend he has really figured out to work his lungs and his little cry has gotten louder.  I do not like hearing it!!!!!

Our trip to TX is approaching fast!!!!!  We are so excited!!!!  I know Henry won't remember it at all but it will be so special for him to meet all of his family and friends. 

I have some pictures that need to uploaded, hopefully later this week.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cousin LOVE

Many pictures of my son's cousins.  I CANNOT wait til they meet.  It does blow my mind to think that I have a 2 month old and he hasn't met them considering I was there for all 3 of their births.  But everyone's lives are busy!!!!  I have BIG plans for them being at the birth of my 2nd!!!!  Just a few more weeks and we will all be together for a few days.  I am thinking the 2 oldest need a summer vacation to KK's!!!!!!!!  Hopefully they will read this and talk their parents or grandparents into it!!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

This post may actually get to be posted on a Thursday!!!!

* Henry decided to go to bed at 7 last night so I joined him and for that we got got up before daddy went to work.  Not something that usually happens.

* The weather has been great here this week and is suppose to continue so we are going to try and go for a walk on Saturday.

* Daddy leaves for TN this weekend.  We are sure going to miss him.

* Mommy and Daddy are going to have a mid-week day date next week when daddy gets home.  Mom is probably more excited than dad.

* H&M has a new line coming out today and I am going.  I have missed lots of these events but will be going today while Hen is at school.  Granted I admit that I am still out of the loop and would not have known about this unless my super hip mom would not have told me. 

* Last spring when I was pregnant I stumbled upon an amazing consignment sale for kids and bought Henry some great outfits(most with the tags still on) and it is happening again next week and of course I am going again!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!

* Our trip to TX is getting closer and closer.  I am praying for pretty weather while we are there!!!!  We can't wait to show our little guy off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Our 4 year anniversary is coming up and I can't decide what to do.  I am thinking something low key because Andrew will be celebrating his 30th this year and I have a very fun family outing planned since Henry will be at a fun age by then.  Any suggestions?????

* Spring is just around the corner and I am more excited than ever.  I bought my one spring essential that I wanted- white pants.  Now I am just waiting til Easter to wear them.  Be prepared you may be seeing a lot of these in pictures!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

PIcture Overload

2 Months

I cannot believe I have a 2 month old!!!!!

* You are still wearing size 1 diapers

* You are wearing 0-3 months clothes although some of them are getting a little tight

* You weigh 10.13 (close to double your birth weight)

* You are 21.5 inches long

* Your head measures 15 in.

* You LOVE your daycare and are such a happy baby in the evenings when you get home

* You are on a pretty good schedule of eating and sleeping

* You sleep 99% of the time in your crib like a BIG boy

* You might be a momma's boy right now ( I hope this lasts for a while)

* You have started to smile and your dad and I love it

HJ- you are a complete joy to your dad and I.  Dadddy LOVES coming home from work to you.  I LOVE listening to you and your dad talk about things.  He adores you as do I.  You are truly a blessing to our little family and we LOVE you so much!!!!  Your little personality is really starting to come out and it is so much fun watching you change daily.  I cannot wait to watch you change from a baby to a boy to a man.  Your dad and I are so happy to call you ours!!!!!!!

A boy's story is the best that is ever told.
-- Charles Dickens

Valentine's Card

This year Andrew got a very cute personalized card for Valentine's!!!!!!!!!  To say I was a little distracted this year would be an understatement.  Poor daddy! I will make up for it with other holidays this year.  Good thing he doesn't mind.  Here is the card he received in the mail.

I LOVE you Andrew Joseph!!!!!