
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

* Ready for the weekend and already ready for next weekend!!!!!

* I am busy planning Hen's baptism. Good Lord, drama! Now I know why I am waiting to throw him a big birthday party. #ifyoudontlikemyplansdontcome #keepyourmouthshut #learnedyourlessonyet

* Speaking of birthdays August starts the season of birthdays for my fam. Lots of fun times ahead.

* My cousin is officially within driving distance. This has not happened in years. How long will it take til I we her. #callingyououtash

* Painting my dining room next week. Yuck!!!!!

* Having friends over tonight for a much needed girls night. #daddysonduty

* I finally had a JL function this week and it went great. I am ready for it to really start up. 

* Still short handed at work, still sucks, looking at other options! 

Look at this kid! Could eat me out of money!!!!! Love him so much!!!! #jorts

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you need to fill me on the baptism story. Hope you have a great time on your trip #wishwewerethere
