
Thursday, March 24, 2011

6 Weeks & 12 Weeks

6 weeks from today we will be in TX and 12 weeks from today some of our Best Friends will be visiting us here in Minnesota!!! I am thrilled for both of these visits.

While in Tx I of course will not see husband much do to him hunting. But while I am there I plan on eating donuts from Donut Stop, eating lots and lots of mexican food, eating a good chicken fried steak, eating thumbprints from Unite AND spending tons of time with my family. I can't wait to see 3 very special little people. I just hope their as excited to see me as I am them. I am ready to have a slumber party every night I am there!!!! Of course I can't wait to see the grown-ups too!

While The Reeves are here visiting. We are going to Mall of America, going to eat Juicy Lucy's and cheese curd,shop at the outlet mall, eat amazing Italian food, relax and then eat again at a German restaurant. Husband is SO excited about the German restaurant. We have been there once and he asks to go back all the time. So this will be a treat for him and them!!!! We can't wait to show them all around!!!!

Seems like all I talk about is food. That is not good!!!!

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